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Atelier Oheso

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Town: Maui
Country: USA

1. You seem to like making things on your own. Please tell us about that.

When I find something I like or I want, I like to study it. What is this made out of? How is it made? If I get some idea, I want to give it a try. Sewing is part of my everyday life.

2. What would you hope for kira kira life customers when they use your products?

Carrying your own coffee cup, chopsticks, etc. is something all of us can do easily to be friendly to our environment. I hope that my chopsticks covers will make your everyday life even more enjoyable and happier while you’re environmentally responsible.

3. What is your favorite quote?

日々是好日 Nichi Nichi Kore Koujitsu (or Kounichi)
It means that every day is a nice day. I like its meaning and its sound.

4. What do you do when you're feeling low?

I clean the house and rearrange the furniture to get refreshed.

Check out Atelier Oheso’s lovely chopstic covers

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