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Bitty Bambu by Taryn

kira kira life Bitty Bambu by Taryn

Town: Maui
Country: USA

1. Why did you name your work bitty bambu?

I have long admired bamboo for the way it is so elegant, flexible and strong. Since my designs are largely inspired by nature, I loved the idea of a playful ode to the symbolic nature of such a dynamic plant.

2. What is the main concept/theme of your work?

Nature is an interwoven part of our life, our favorite time together as a family is spent at the beach or on a hike. I love to interpret the images around us here on this beautiful island into my sewing. I really strive to make items for children that are different from what you can find anywhere else.

3. What would you hope for kira kira life customers when they wear your clothes?

I really want my clothing to help showcase the playful, creative and truly unique spirit of each child that wears them.

4. What is your favorite quote?

“The best things to hold onto in life are each other.” - Audrey Hepburn

5. What do you do when you're feeling low?

I love a nice long bath. I also love to hikeor go to the beach. Emerging myself in nature always boosts the soul.

Check out Taryn’s Creations

kira kira life bitty bambu